An interview with Carl Brookins

If you haven’t yet been introduced to Carl Brookins and his work, you’re really in for a treat! I’ve had the pleasure of working with him for several years now and he’s an incredibly unique and gifted individual. His writing is entertaining but it also makes you think. His personality is the same way. Read on…

How long have you been writing?

Essentially I’ve been writing my entire life. In school I discovered that choosing to answer test questions in “long form” that is, essay as opposed to multiple choice questions, got me better grades. I think teachers looked at the pages and thought, “Well, the right answer must be in there somewhere.” Seriously, except when I worked in the experimental fields at the University of Minnesota (we were creating new strains of corn) my job choices have all involved a heavy component of writing. Fiction writing became a major piece of my life later, when I approached retirement. I started seriously writing fiction about twenty years ago.


At what point did you reach a place where you felt successful as a writer?

I haven’t reached that point where I consider myself successful as a fiction writer. I’m still learning, still improving (I hope) but I’m not sure how to define success as a writer. The high volume of work I produced for the Minnesota Highway Department’s Safety division, back in a previous century, was success involving writing.

Is the writing life what you expected when you started out? If not, how is it different?

I’m married to a publisher. I pretty much knew what to expect except for the advances in technology which have produced major changes in the landscape.

The general public seems to think authors are relatively wealthy. Without prying too much, has your writing income lived up to expectations?

I didn’t have “expectations.” I hoped my writing would produce sufficient income to allow us to take some research trips. That hasn’t happened. I know  a lot of authors, many fairly intimately, so I can say with some confidence that most authors, at least of genre fiction, are continuing to maintain and rely on their day jobs.

Early on, so much focus is given to getting published. Now that you’re published, how has your focus changed?

Not much. I knew going in that this is a business and that I’d have to devote time and energy to that aspect of the thing. I am still trying to write books with plots and characters and settings that I would like to read if written by someone else and, that are as well-written as I can make them. Because I came rather late in life to the fiction writing game, I chose to go directly to small independent publishers without engaging an agent. That was in order to get a few novels published before my death. As things have worked out, I enjoy the independence of running my own writing business. I don’t make as much money as a good agent might have negotiated for me, but I have a fine publicist, I have more than  a dozen stories in print and I’m getting enough feedback from readers that I am persuaded I made the right choices. Not having to rely on my fiction writing to pay the mortgage helps.


How long did it take you to get published the first time?

About nine months from the time my critique group was satisfied the manuscript was ready. By that time, the story was a year old. That was the advantage of going with a small independent press.


Would you do anything differently if you had it to do over again?

Yes, this is such fun, I would have started much earlier if I had realized the great satisfaction and pleasure I derive from the writing and the association with this marvelous community of crime fiction writers.


Writing new material, rewriting, submitting new work, waiting, promoting published work…the list is large. How do you manage to divvy up your time to give adequate attention to all needed areas?

Since I also read and review crime fiction , time management is a real problem and I have no answers. Fact is, I’m behind on lots of projects, although the fact that I don’t have multiple-book contracts and thus pressing deadlines, makes things considerably easier. My deadlines are my own.


What is the single most exciting thing that’s happened to you as a writer?

Selling my first book (Inner Passages) which was confirmation that there was a market for my stories.

What is the single most disappointing thing that happened to you as a writer?

Not selling my book to the movies for a million  dollars.



 What’s the most memorable thing (good or bad) that’s happened to you while promoting your work?

The Minnesota Crime Wave – Carl Brookins, Ellen Hart and William Kent Krueger

Hooking up with two fine writers (Ellen Hart and William Kent Krueger)  and forming the Minnesota Crime Wave was one of the best things.

With more books being released each month now than ever before, what do you believe sets your work apart from the others?

Characters, humor and plot.



What would you like to share with writers who haven’t reached the point of publication yet?

Understand that this is a business and to be successful you have to take a realistic business-like and somewhat organized approach. You will become a marketer and salesperson and you still have to write the best books you possibly can.


What do you feel is your most effective tool for promoting your published work?

I’m pretty good at personal contacts, but practically, I try to use social and other media as much as possible. I think you have to use as many tools as you can. But in the end, it’s the writing. The books have to bring new readers into the fold, whatever the format or platform you choose.



What area of book promotion is the most challenging to you?

Setting up events or appearances. Making cold calls. Can’t do it.


Once Upon a Crime, Minneapolis MN

Do you have a local independent bookseller you’d like to mention?

Oh, yes, one of the finest bookstores in the land, owned and operated by a succession of knowledgeable, dedicated and hard-working individuals. I refer of course, to Steve Stillwell, Pat Frovarp and Gary Shulze, owners at various times of Once Upon A Crime, in Minneapolis.


Give us a list of your published titles in chronological or series order:



“Night Sail.” Fiction. The Pinehurst Journal, summer 1992.

“A Winter’s Tale.” Fiction. Silence of The Loons, fall, 2005.

“Hard Cheese,”

“A Winter’s Tale”

“A Fish Story,” Resort to Murder, 2007

“The Horse He Rode In On,” Minnesota Crime Wave Presents, Fall 2012

“Daddy’s Little Girl, 2011

“The Day I Lost My Innocence,” 2011


Sailing mystery series


Mystery: July, 2000, Top Publications


Mystery: September, 2002, Top Publications


Mystery: March, 2005, Top Publications


Mystery: January, 2010 Echelon Publications


Mystery: May 2011, Brookins Books

Detective series (Sean NMI Sean )


P.I. Mystery: Nodin Press, 2009


Five Star Mysteries Press, 2008


P.I. mystery, Brookins Books, 2011


P.I. mystery, Brookins Books, 2012

Academic series


Mystery: January, 2008, Echelon Press


Mystery: June, 2011, Echelon Press

Share with us an elevator pitch (no more than 30 seconds) of your latest title:

The Great Train Robbery of the title was a real event in 1935. A Federal rail car was robbed. The money and the perpetrators were never found. In 2010 a man digging for his garage foundation, discovers disintegrating money and an ancient revolver. Could the money and revolver be tied to the train heist? Somebody thinks so because mayhem and murder ensue and Sean Sean is called in to identify the corruption and those still alive who are linked to the old crime. It becomes a race against murder to find the perpetrators.

Where can we buy it?

The Case of The Great Train Robbery is available in a Trade Paper edition from Once Upon a Crime and from the author. As an e-book it’s widely available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, the Apple store, Kobo and Smashwords.

What last thing would you like to share with us that nobody knows about you and your work?

I’ve just posted/published my 1,000+ crime fiction book review.

Thanks, Carl, for taking the time to talk with us here. I urge every one of you to check out Carl’s work and pick something that you’ve not yet read. I know there are lots and lots of authors to choose from, but he’s one you really don’t want to miss!

An interview with Randy Rawls

Randy Rawls has been a friend of mine since…well…seems like forever! If you’ve met him, you’ll know what I mean. If you haven’t, you should. It’s an experience. Here’s what Randy has to share with us today:

PJ: Randy, how long have you been writing?


Randy:   First, PJ, let me thank you for bringing me on. As a writer with several books on the market, I need exposure to the public. It is through such wonderful people like you that I gain an audience. Hopefully, someone will take a look at my latest, THORNS ON ROSES, a South Florida thriller, and decide to risk a few dollars.

Now, back to your question. The easy answer is to say I’ve been writing all my life, and it would be accurate. In one form or the other, writing has been a constant part of my life every step of the way. But, as I’ve gone through the learning process of writing fiction (which is still ongoing), I’ve recognized that my writing prior to about 1992 ill prepared me to write fiction. So, if I change your question to “How long have you been writing fiction?” I can honestly answer, “I’ve been learning to write fiction since about 1992.”

The most significant thing I’ve learned in these about twenty years is that writing fiction is an acquired skill.

PJ: At what point did you reach a place where you felt successful as a writer?

Randy: Successful? Not there yet. But I’m still trying—writing and learning and applying myself every day.

PJ: Is the writing life what you expected when you started out? If not, how is it different?

Randy: Oh, no. I have seen such an evolution in writing, in how one gets published, and in the marketplace.

Back in those historic times of the early 1990’s, the transom still existed. A writer could approach a major publisher direct. Since then, of course, agents have become the gatekeepers and access through the transom has disappeared—unless you have a famous name that will sell books, no matter the quality.

There used to be scads of mid-list writers with the majors. Then in the mid to late 90’s, publishers began scrubbing their lists. Decisions were made based on sales, resulting in many wonderful writers being dropped.

Then came the mergers and buyouts. From a richness of publishing houses available to writers, the market shrunk to a small handful. And, since Agents have this same small number to sell to, they have become more selective in whom they accept. Everything now seems driven toward playing it safe: stay with the “Name” writer who has already proved his worth, pull in the foreign published book with a track record, grab the latest Hollywood sensation or TV sensation or music sensation or person who has made themselves infamous through scandalous actions, etc. A writer with no “name” and no track record finds himself struggling against almost insurmountable odds.

And, of course, the ebook revolution. Who could have foreseen this a few years ago? Yikes! I’m going to hang around just to see what’s next.

PJ: The general public seems to think authors are relatively wealthy. Without prying too much, has your writing income lived up to expectations?

Randy: Writing income? My writing expenses—promotion, travel, and publicity—have more than outstripped what income I’ve had. I won’t mention the percentage of outstripped, but think of how the National debt is growing.

I never went into this expecting riches. My pleasure comes from folks telling me they enjoyed my stories. However, it would be nice to break even. Hopefully, the release of HOT ROCKS from Midnight Ink will reverse my negative income trend.

PJ: I hope so too! Early on, so much focus is given to getting published. Now that you’re published, how has your focus changed?

Randy: After my first manuscript was completed, I poured a lot of effort into finding a publisher. Once I turned that corner—not with manuscript #1, but with #3—I felt justified. But the next book had to be written and the next and the next. And each of those had to find a publisher. Since I haven’t broken into the NY publishing world yet, I’m still trying. But, not with the intensity I once tried. I’m quite happy being with Midnight Ink, and I hope there will be several more books in the Beth Bowman series.

PJ: How long did it take you to get published the first time?

Randy: Three manuscripts and numerous short stories. JAKE’S BURN, number one in the Ace Edwards series, was my first published. It was my third full manuscript and was published eight-nine years after I decided to write fiction.

PJ: Would you do anything differently if you had it to do over again?

Randy: Perhaps not what I would do, but what I should do. I should take more time learning to write fiction, rather than assuming I knew how. I suspect that’s the mistake that every writer makes. We assume that since we’ve been a “writer” for many years, we can write fiction. Not!

PJ: Writing new material, rewriting, submitting new work, waiting, promoting published work…the list is large. How do you manage to divvy up your time to give adequate attention to all needed areas?

Randy: We start first with the fact I write for pleasure, not for a livelihood. So, whether I write or not, no one is going hungry. As far as dividing my time, whatever I’m in the mood to do. Some days it’s lock the door and write. Others, it’s spend the day on the Internet, promoting, begging for sales. On another day, I might pull up a short story or a manuscript I haven’t sold and use my time writing queries.

I admire those who are disciplined enough to apportion their time. I am not one of them.

PJ: What is the single most exciting thing that’s happened to you as a writer?

Randy: I really can’t come up with one. Writing THE END the first time, and every time since, was exciting. My first signing, my first radio show, my first TV appearance, my first review—all of these things were exciting. There was one signing when I sold 135 books, still a personal best. That was exciting.

PJ: What is the single most disappointing thing that happened to you as a writer?

Randy: Disappointing? Probably being rejected by an agent, any agent. Since my first hobby is reading, I firmly believe my stories are as good as many coming out of NY. Yet, agents reject them. Yeah, that’s disappointing.

PJ: What’s the most memorable thing (good or bad) that’s happened to you while promoting your work?

Randy: Having someone tell me they recognized a character in one of my stories. It was a totally fictitious character, created out of my imagination, yet she was so real to the reader she thought she knew who I was describing. Once I finished saying no, no, no, I felt pretty good.

PJ: With more books being released each month now than ever before, what do you believe sets your work apart from the others?

Randy: My voice. I believe I bring a distinctive voice to my writing. Since I grew up in North Carolina then had a career in the Army, followed by second career in the Department of Defense, my life has been shaped by many different sources. I believe I take that voice into my stories.

PJ: What would you like to share with writers who haven’t reached the point of publication yet?

Randy: Same thing I tell every group I address. Read, read, read. Read in the genre you want to write. Learn from those who have been there, who have done it. Then take what you’ve learned and individualize it to your personality. Throw out the HOW TO books, unless it is written by someone who has—and then take it with a grain of salt. Concentrate on studying the best in the business.

PJ: What do you feel is your most effective tool for promoting your published work?

Randy: I wish I knew, I truly do. The ones I enjoy the most are speaking with people, whether one-on-one or in a group. And teaching—I love to teach, to share some of the things I’ve learned through the school of hard knocks.

PJ: What area of book promotion is the most challenging to you?

Randy: The unadorned book signing. By that I mean manning a table at the front of a book store trying to interest customers in my books. Cold approach and lots of rejections. Not much fun.

PJ: Do you have a local independent bookseller you’d like to mention?

Randy: Thanks, PJ. All too often, we forget those who sell our books. Here in South Florida, we are blessed to have Murder on the

Jeff Lindsey, Joann Sinchuk and Elaine Viets at Murder on the Beach

Beach Mystery Bookstore, the only mystery bookstore in Florida. It’s a great store managed by Joanne Sinchuk. She is a writer’s best friend, and books can be ordered through the email address: or through the website: Please patronize the store and let them know Randy sent you.

Give us a list of your published titles in chronological or series order:

The Ace Edwards, Dallas PI series:







THORNS ON ROSES, featuring Tom Jeffries.

And, in November 2012, HOT ROCKS featuring Beth Bowman, Florida PI.

Share with us an elevator pitch (no more than 30 seconds) of your latest title:

THORNS ON ROSES. When the teenage daughter of Tom Jeffries’ best friend is found in a dumpster, raped and strangled, Tom vows to track those who did it. From personal experience, he knows the justice system cannot be trusted.

And my next, HOT ROCKS.  When Beth Bowman, Florida PI, takes on a simple case to follow a philandering husband and catch him in the act, she discovers that things are not always what they seem—they can be much, much worse.

PJ: Where can we buy it?

Randy: THORNS ON ROSES. From me (,, Murder on the Beach Mystery Bookstore (,, L&L Dreamspell Publishing (, and any online bookstore, and for any ereader.

HOT ROCKS. In November, in bookstores across the country, online, and for your favorite ereader. Please ask for it by name and author, HOT ROCKS by Randy Rawls.

PJ: What last thing would you like to share with us that nobody knows about you and your work?

Randy: With my loud mouth, there probably is nothing unknown. But I want to reinforce that books are really important to me. If I had to choose between writing and reading, I’d push away from the keyboard forever. With reading, I can do anything, be anybody, and live in any timeframe I choose. What else could I want?

Thank you, PJ. If our business had more folks like you, it would be a much more enjoyable business.

Randy, you’re very kind. I hope everyone who reads this will buy another one of your books, and then they’ll tell someone else to do the same!